Given the more recent (obvious) developments, we have stopped working on this petition, BUT the cause that animated this civic action remains, and it is even more alarming now!
We hereby PETITION to WARN the DNC
"SUPER-DELEGATES" re how we would vote
(also in down-ballot races)
in November 2020!
NO 2016 ELECTORAL COUP in 2020!
Resist the un-democratic interference of the
at the DNC Convention's 2nd Ballot!
A Grassroots Petition
>>>> SIGN HERE <<<<
RELATED: v=epwzcl20fyM
The Hill TV
Super-delegates admit flagrant plan to take nomination (11 min. clip)
See from minute 4, but especially see min. 6:30-7:00 to see what Sen. Elizabeth Warren says to the PBS's Newhour re what happened in 2016!
The Hill TV
Super-delegates admit flagrant plan to take nomination (11 min. clip)
See from minute 4, but especially see min. 6:30-7:00 to see what Sen. Elizabeth Warren says to the PBS's Newhour re what happened in 2016!
"Even though super-delegates can’t vote on the first ballot this year [unlike in 2016], they can on the second. There are more than 700 of them — and they are looming out there."
"Even though super-delegates can’t vote on the first ballot this year [unlike in 2016], they can on the second. There are more than 700 of them — and they are looming out there."
See This Short Video Clip:
The Hill's Saagar Enjeti:
Dems reveal plan to steal the nomination from Bernie
[at the DNC Convention's 2nd Ballot]
POLITICO (Feb. 20, 2020)
"Mike Bloomberg is privately lobbying Democratic Party officials...[to] block Bernie Sanders, in the event of a brokered national convention...There’s a whole operation going on, which is genius,” said one of the strategists, who is unaffiliated with any campaign. “And it’s going to help them win on the second ballot...Other candidates have quietly been in contact for months with superdelegates — the DNC members, members of Congress and other party officials who cannot vote on the first ballot at a contested national convention — but none have showcased it as a feature of their campaign, as Hillary Clinton did in 2016.”

We, the undersigned Vote Guardians of America (VGA) are deeply worried about the sad state of our so-called democracy, especially in 2020!
Based on a number of recent clearly worrisome signs (For example, the Iowa caucuses debacle, the recent DNC Chair's nominations for the 2020 Democratic Convention standing committees, this important Common Dreams report, that adds to what this major expose by Politico reveals),
we now believe, rather strongly, that the establishment of the so-called “Democratic” Party has been purposefully manufacturing (with corporate media's help--as always) a number of "divide-and-conquer" rifts among progressives.
we now believe, rather strongly, that the establishment of the so-called “Democratic” Party has been purposefully manufacturing (with corporate media's help--as always) a number of "divide-and-conquer" rifts among progressives.
Thus, the corporate-friendly (and military-industrial complex aligned) "Democratic" Party's establishment is about to INTERFER with the basic democratic rights of we, the American voters, AGAIN!
This time by:
a) Engineering a systemic and divisive split in the progressive vote,
b) Then using the Party's UN-ELECTED super-delegates in the SECOND ROUND (or beyond) of nomination voting at the upcoming "Democratic" Convention.
a) Engineering a systemic and divisive split in the progressive vote,
b) Then using the Party's UN-ELECTED super-delegates in the SECOND ROUND (or beyond) of nomination voting at the upcoming "Democratic" Convention.
In 2016 this ugly corruption of democracy resulted in the horrible disaster called “The Trump White House.”
Hence, we believe that (this time) the allies of concentrated wealth and power in the establishment of the "Democratic" Party are (apparently) trying, AGAIN, to IMPOSE a “safe/centrist” corporate-corrupted candidate (Biden or Bloomberg-the-Billionaire) on our country.
We find this flagrant re-abuse of power UNACCEPTABLE, especially in the context of what little remains of our so-called "democracy" in Trump's America.
Therefore, We the (VGA) People DEMAND the following:
1) Either unelected super-delegates be eliminated from voting at the 2020 Democratic National Convention,
2) Or the votes of such unelected super-delegate be awarded to each of the remaining candidates, in the same proportion as the total number of ELECTED delegates he/she EARNS in the Democratic primary elections and caucuses.
The idea of Vote Guardians of America (hence this petition) was initiated by (brother) Moji Agha--see below--as a genuinely nonviolent strategy of resisting corruption, hence tyranny.
Thus, what we are doing is the initial civil action of our newly formed non-profit volunteer informal civic association, Vote Guardians of America (VGA).
Thus, what we are doing is the initial civil action of our newly formed non-profit volunteer informal civic association, Vote Guardians of America (VGA).
The VGA was founded on January 16, 2020, motivated by our outrage, after seeing the infamous "Warren vs. Sanders" (manufactured) conflict on CNN’s January Democratic Presidential Debate in Iowa.
The co-founders of the VGA, hence this petition, are a member (Jim Blok) and associate member (Moji Agha) of Veterans for Peace (VFP).
Jim is an American, disabled veteran and retired U.S. Army Major.
Moji is a naturalized citizen Iranian-American Muslim sufi “monk” (or dervish--with a vow of poverty and service) who resents tyranny and loves HONEST democracy, EVERYWHERE, therefore he has also been a Grandmother Earth, peace, justice, democracy, and human rights activist for decades. Here is brother Moji's mini-bio: https://www. agha/.
VGA Contact
Moji Agha -- In Boulder, Colorado
Vote Guardians of America
A Grassroots Petition
Vote Guardians of America
A Grassroots Petition
>>>> SIGN HERE <<<<
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